I am grounded: in my Ideals, my daily practices, my disciplines that have become my devotions.
I am balanced: male and female, masculine and feminine, I create a strong container to hold my tenderness and vulnerability.
I am powerful: I use my power wisely. I empower myself and others; I am not overpowered by others nor do I overpower them.
I am loving: my heart is big enough to hold all of my joys and all of my sorrows, and courageous enough to travel to the tender places where my wisdom lies hidden beneath my wounds.
I am willing: I willingly let go of that which no longer serves my highest good and willingly co-create my life with the highest that I know.
I am integrated: left brain/right brain, logic and creativity, intellect and intuition—these work together to help me see the whole.
I am divine: Divinity created me, Divinity lives in me, Divinity flows through me.