PROMPT: If only I had had an instruction manual

If only I had had an instruction manual,

I might not have tobogganed into that split rail fence on a cold snowy day,

Forgetting to duck and hurting my eyes

If only I had had an instruction manual,

I might not have jumped that fence at dusk on a warm summer evening,

Scaring the dogs and getting bitten

If only I had had an instruction manual,

I might not have driven into that ditch on a dark Canadian night,

Driving under the influence and needing a tow

If only I had had an instruction manual,

I might not have let my son go down the stairs in his walker

Remembering too late to close the baby gate

If only I had had an instruction manual,

I might not have pulled my children downhill in a little red wagon

Barely getting out of the way as they went speeding past

If only I had had an instruction manual

I might not have known all the guardian angels

Conspiring to keep me safe


The Monitor