PROMPT: Sunrise is the Best Time
Sunrise is the best time for greeting the day
although I rarely see it—
I like to sleep in, comfy cozy in my bed
snuggled up against my husband
moving slowly up through thick dreams to find the surface
not wanting to rush, not wanting to wake
simply content to be in this place of peace and stillness
We are sunset people:
Happy to watch the day receding
The sun sinking down across the horizon
painting pinks and purples one night
and oranges and reds another
sometimes spectacular
sometimes muted
always different
It’s best to watch the sun across water
—sunrise or sunset—
something spectacular sparkling,
reminding us of the divine…
or a least of a universe that loves us
Hard to imagine the pain and suffering that half the world endures
unable, perhaps, to see the beauty and comfort that nature offers
so bound are they by humanity’s cruelty—
power struggles ensnaring the innocent (if any of us can truly be called innocent)
harshness trumping kindness
greed trumping generosity
hate trumping love
Sunrise is the best time for hope:
a new day, new possibilities
a chance for something different
But what if that sunrise is blocked by chaos and bombing
hunger and fear
too much heat or too much cold
dead children and missing spouses
not enough water…or maybe too much
where does the hope come from then
how can it be cultivated in such circumstances
The human heart has that capacity
if only we are brave enough to free it from its wounds
The sun rises on the just and unjust alike—
no judgment, no partiality, no favoritism,
simply making its presence known as we
spin around and around and around
harming ourselves and each other
oblivious to its lesson
Sunrise is the best time for opening our eyes